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October 11th, 2018 at 3:03 pm

Bringing awareness to the sweeping disease called breast cancer: 1 in every 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer in her life, and millions more are affected as their loved ones. Take a look inside our latest piece bringing valuable resources to those that are affected. Click here to read it.

February 1st, 2017 at 11:28 am

It's February 1.  An entire month has passed since the inception of our ground-breaking plans to better ourselves.  

Anyone making progress? 

I've often heard complaints about the gym being too crowded during the month of January.  Too many people believing they'll stick to an exercise routine that will actually help them shed the 10-15 lbs. they've been meaning to shed for the past 10-15 years.  

If you have met with success or at least maintained consistency on your road to improvement – good for you.  As for the others, well, there's always next year.   

So what makes New Year's resolutions so exciting?  What's all the hype about? Change. Improvement. Advancement.  Everyone is up for a little change.  Especially when the change is for the better.  The idea of starting with a fresh slate is always enticing and encouraging.  

So, if you're having a difficult time sticking with your goals don't get discouraged.  Break down your goals into smaller, attainable steps - or set up landmarks along the way.  Reward yourself for reaching the small accomplishments (and no, in this case, a pie of pizza doesn't count as a reward).  Don't get discouraged. Working out 3 days a week instead of every day for the rest of the year is probably a more attainable aspiration.  

Change is exciting – but you have to work hard for it – consistently.  If your resolution was to pound the gym – I hope your sneakers haven't already accumulated dust.  Bottom line, don't get burned out.  After all, it is only February 1. 

January 7th, 2015 at 5:18 am
Is your top New Year's Resolution to lose weight and eat healthier?
How's that going for you?
They're goals and aspirations to improve ourselves, but often times become stale within a few short weeks.  
What does it really mean to change?  How can we stick to our improvements?
Put the pepper aside, and listen to these audiobooks today.
Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?: An Easy Plan for Losing Weight and Living More


Diets don't work. Why not? Because they focus on what foods we should and shouldn't eat but completely ignore everything else that makes us fat. Look at your own situation: You say you want to lose weight, but you just can't stop indulging. You say you'd exercise more if only you had the time, yet you spend precious hours every night in front of the TV doing what? Munching nutrition-free snacks and drinking supersized beverages. 


Peter Walsh, the bestselling author of It's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff, believes that the secret to successfully losing weight is to forget about calorie counting and weekly weigh-ins. Instead you need to focus on how, why, and where you eat. When it comes to clearing clutter (the fat in our homes) it isn't about the stuff itself, it's about the life you want to live. The same is true for losing weight: It's not about the pounds, it's about living the life you deserve in the body you want. 


Using his expert techniques honed from years as a clutter expert and organizational consultant on TLC's Clean Sweep, Peter helps you address how the clutter in your kitchen, your pantry, and your home is directly related to the clutter on your body and negatively affects your ability to lead a full and healthy life. This book shows you how to clean up not just the spaces where you eat, but the routines around them: from planning meals and shopping to dinnertime rituals. 


Peter knows all the pitfalls and all the excuses. In Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? he gives you the tools (and courage) you need to get over all your excuses, face the issues, and make the change to a better life. 


This is not a diet book. This is a book about your life -- about creating the healthy life and body you have always imagined for yourself. Peter helps you kick the food-clutter habit forever. You have only one life. Start living it today.

The 5 Money Personalities

Every couple argues about money. It doesn't matter if you've been married for 40 years or dating for 4 months, money touches every decision you make as a couple-from the $5 cup of coffee to the $50,000 car. And when the two of you don't see eye-to-eye on how much to spend or how much to save, that's when arguments turn into ugly toxic fights that leave both persons feeling hurt and angry. It's why money has become the #1 cause of divorce in the U.S. Obviously, something needs to change. The reason this crisis has not been addressed is because it has never been identified, defined, or given a name. Scott and Bethany Palmer, aka "The Money Couple," have identified and defined this problem and offer concrete solutions to fix it.

Once you know your Money Personality, you can get to the root of money arguments and start really working together. You'll discover what has an impact on your loved one's money decisions, and you'll learn how to talk about money in a way that's actually fun! You'll figure out how to put an end to money secrets and lies once and for all.

It's not just about money management, and it's definitely not just about overcoming debt. It is a whole new way of living that will change everything in your relationship. Tens of thousands have already been transformed. Are you ready?


We all want to lead a life of our own making. But in today's accelerated world, with its competing priorities, information overload, and confounding options, we can easily find ourselves steered by impulse, stress, or expedience. Are our decisions the right ones? Or are we being governed, time and time again, and against our best intentions, by the demands of the moment? 


A transformative new approach to decision making, 10-10-10 is a tool for reclaiming your life at home, in love, and at work. The process is clear, straightforward, and transparent. In fact, when you're facing a dilemma, all it takes to begin are three questions: What are the consequences of my decision in 10 minutes? 

In 10 months? And in 10 years? 


Sound simple? Not quite. Recounting poignant stories from her own life and the lives of many other dedicated 10-10-10 users, Suzy Welch reveals how exploring the impact of our decisions in multiple time frames invariably surfaces our unconscious agendas, fears, needs, and desires -- and ultimately helps us identify and live according to our deepest goals and values. 


10-10-10's applicability is uniquely broad. Whether it is used by college students or busy mothers or senior business executives, artists, government administrators, or entrepreneurs, 10-10-10 has shown its effectiveness in decisions large and small, routine and radical, consistently changing lives for the better. 


"Change is hard." "People hate change." Those were two of the most common quotes we heard when we began to study change.

But it occurred to us that if people hate change, they have a funny way of showing it. Every iPhone sold serves as counter-evidence. So does every text message sent, every corporate merger finalized, every aluminum can recycled. And we haven't even mentioned the biggest changes: Getting married. Having kids. (If people hate change, then having a kid is an awfully dumb decision.)


It puzzled us--why do some huge changes, like marriage, come joyously, while some trivial changes, like submitting an expense report on time, meet fierce resistance?

We found the answer in the research of some brilliant psychologists who'd discovered that people have two separate "systems" in their brains-a rational system and an emotional system. The rational system is a thoughtful, logical planner. The emotional system is, well, emotional-and impulsive and instinctual.

When these two systems are in alignment, change can come quickly and easily (as when a dreamy-eyed couple gets married). When they're not, change can be grueling (as anyone who has struggled with a diet can attest).

In those situations where change is hard, is it possible to align the two systems? Is it possible to overcome our internal "schizophrenia" about change? We believe it is.


In our research, we studied people trying to make difficult changes: People fighting to lose weight and keep it off. Managers trying to overhaul an entrenched bureaucracy. Activists combatting seemingly intractable problems such as child malnutrition. They succeeded--and, to our surprise, we found striking similarities in the strategies they used. They seemed to share a similar game plan. We wanted, in Switch, to make that game plan available to everyone, in hopes that we could show people how to make the hard changes in life a little bit easier. --Chip and Dan Heath

Finally, the book that shows you how to do the impossible: get someone to change, for the better.

Don't let crazy people drive you crazy. Don't let annoying, obnoxious, petty people get under your skin. Whether it's your kids, spouse, friend, client, patient, or coworker, you have the power to make it better. Before you break up with your boyfriend, fire your employee, or write off your mother-in-law, try changing them into someone new.

With clear, prescriptive techniques, How to Change Anybody tells you how to:

Inspire loyalty, turn anyone's mood around fast, stop stubborn behavior, turn a lazy bum into an ambitious go-getter, stop passive aggressive behavior, and much more!
David Lieberman is an expert in simple behavioral strategies that work every time. These tried-and-true techniques will truly give you the tools to change anyone--and, in the process, to change your life!


WHAT'S HOLDING YOU BACK? Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. Perhaps one small flaw - a behavior you barely even recognize - is the only thing that's keeping you from where you want to be.


WHO CAN HELP? Marshall Goldsmith is an expert at helping global leaders overcome their sometimes unconscious annoying habits and attain a higher level of success. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag. But, in this audiobook, you get Marshall's great advice without the hefty fee!


WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? The Harvard Business Review asked Goldsmith, "What is the most common problem faced by the executives that you coach?" Inside, he answers this question by discussing not only the key beliefs of successful leaders, but also the behaviors that hold them back. He addresses the fundamental problems that often come with success - and offers a way to attack these problems. Goldsmith outlines twenty habits commonly found in the corporate environment and provides a systematic approach to helping you achieve a positive change in behavior.

January 2015
3Leaf Group
July 21st, 2014 at 7:45 am


Keeping healthy and staying fit is a year-round commitment. Obtaining a healthy lifestyle is not bound by seasons. 

Take hold of your exercise routine while the weather is nice. Jog outside, walk with friends, kick a ball around your backyard with your kids, or share healthy snacks on the porch. It's easier to keep up an exercise routine in colder, drearier months when you've set the infrastructure in place now, in the warmer weather.  Sun makes everyone happier, and more motivated --  doesn't it?


Get into a routine whether it's yoga, kick-boxing, jogging, or pilates.  Couple your exercise routine with a balanced, healthy diet.  When winter rolls around - you'll be a fitness and health pro. Instead of hibernating under a fleece blanket -- you'll be motivated and ready to keep up with your fitness plan.  (Not that we're against fleece blankets...)

The sun is shining and the air is warm -- now's the time.  Grab one of our Fitness DVDs or health related audiobook titles and become a fitness and health pro TODAY - while your weather endorphines are good and strong! 

May 8th, 2014 at 5:59 am



What's the golden rule for staying fit?  Be consistent.  We all know the real way to keep wait off and maintain a continuous healthy lifestyle is to remain committed and follow a consistent eating and exercise routine.


We also all know – this is easier said than done!  What about those who work full time, have kids, busy schedules, or all of the above?


How can one remain fit – despite a heavy work schedule?


Here are a few pointers according to MindBodyGreen:

1.   Set yourself up for success.  No one knows you better than yourself.  What are your temptations?  Make sure they are nowhere in sight.  Don't wait until you're absolutely famished and raid the pantry like you were a contestant on Survivor for 40 days.  Keep your stash stocked with healthy choices – and get rid of temptation at home.

2.  Even a little exercise helps.  If you don't have time to put in two hours at the gym EVERY day – find 5 minutes here or there to flex your muscles on a “down” day.  This will help maintain your consistency during days you can't make a full commitment at the gym.  A few crunches here and there, a few squats on your coffee break, some leg exercises under your desk.  These will help maintain the hard work you've put in on other “on” days.

3.  Always have food available.  Back to #1, don't set yourself up for failure by binge eating because you're absolutely starving.  If you have long work hours, ensure that you bring healthy snacks to your desk and a full nutritious lunch. 

4.  Try your hardest not to cheat.  Not everyone is perfect, but if you're committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle despite your busy schedule – keep to your routine!


Yes, it's ideal to spend time in the gym on a consistent basis -- but for those of us who have long work or family responsibilities and are not willing/able to wake up at 4 am – try these helpful tips.  Bottom line:  Anyone can stay in shape if you put your mind to it! 

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